It messes me up, and I soon forget who I am.” - Jacob H. My mannerisms change, word choice, temperament. Her opinion matters most to me.” - James T. It’s a constant battle of being totally in love with her and totally not when she upsets me. I feel totally lost without her and when I upset her I get so incredibly upset with myself that I start to not want to exist anymore. My moods are so affected by her it’s ridiculous. I’m very codependent upon her and rely on her for almost everything, from my own self-esteem to just needing her approval of whatever it is I may do. “When I upset her I get so incredibly upset with myself.” They have stuck by me through thick and thin for over a decade.” - Annemarie C.
Fp meaning how to#
“My FP grounds me - I feel stable with them, we still have our arguments over small things because of my irrationality and fluctuating moods but he knows how to calm me, and doesn’t feed the arguments. Looking back, it felt like blind and unconditional love.” - Alix S. “My whole world, my days, absolutely everything revolved around them. “Absolutely everything revolved around them.”

I realized that they were my favorite person when I was middle of an episode and they were the only person that could calm me down and I started putting their well-being over my own.” - Danielle Z. I get jealous when they spend time with other people and not me. “My favorite person is the person I trust most in this world. “I get jealous when they spend time with other people and not me.” They bring meaning to my life, and I’m constantly terrified they’ll abandon me because I’m ‘too much’ for them.” - Lisa D. My love for them is a borderline obsession and I elevate their accomplishments and thoughts on a higher level than everyone else, and I’ve forgiven their mistakes more than I rationally should have at the time. “My FP is someone who I feel I can’t live without - their absence brings a sense of emptiness to my chest and a feeling that I can’t make it through the day.

“I ‘m constantly terrified they’ll abandon me because I’m ‘too much.'” If they don’t make contact for a while after I thought they would and/or they said they would my mind tells me either they’ve abandoned me for good or something is terribly wrong and I start to panic.” - Anastasia A. If it’s been a long time since we spoke I feel sad and/or anxious. If they are busy, I’m on edge waiting for them to talk to me, trying to go about my day constantly distracted by the need for contact with them. When they are actively paying attention to me, I’m in a good mood. If there is no contact with them, I start the day off sad. When I wake up, I look for them or for a text from them. “My emotions are completely dependent on them. “My emotions are completely dependent on them.” Related: How to Survive Christmas If You Live With Borderline Personality Disorder 5. There was never any gray area with my feelings for him.” - Shelby N. I’d forget any wrong he’d ever done and convince myself he was absolutely perfect. Vice versa, if he did something that made me happy, I’d put him on a pedestal. It could be over something as simple as canceling our plans for the day because he was tired. If he did something I hated, I devalued him, I became irrationally angry or upset, and I’d try to break up with him. I knew he was my FP when the black and white thinking started. “ I knew he was my FP when the black and white thinking started.” If I don’t hear from them, it causes fear, making me think I have done something wrong and triggers my fear of abandonment.” - Sarah C. “ I know when someone is my ‘FP’ because I’d want constant contact with them, borderline obsession with them.

In my case, my FP is normally someone I am interested in in a romantic way.” - Adeline R. My FP becomes my reason to live and I do not want to spend any moment without him/her. “I think about that person constantly - I obsess about him/her. So what exactly does having a favorite person mean to someone with BPD? We asked members of our mental health community to share one “sign” that let them know someone in their life was their favorite person. While a romantic partner can be an FP, to someone with borderline personality disorder, it usually means so much more than that. Though the concept of having a favorite person is one familiar to a lot of people in the BPD community, others might hear the term and think, “Is that another way of saying ‘significant other?'” If you live with borderline personality disorder (BPD), you may have come across the term “favorite person,” or “FP” for short. 16 Signs People With Borderline Personality Disorder Knew They Had a 'Favorite Person'